Wednesday, October 26, 2011

today aq terse nk post sometink at blog....lme xupdate dh cmpi lupe password :face15: haha... mse pantas berlalu... around 9month aq dh keje ...last week i got to attend the miss the moments with all of maybankers there ...u alls sgt best n spoting..hope we can met again after this...felt like wanna extend the course.:67:syg korang .. n kerja aq sgtlah bnyk ...baru one week xade kot:face30:kerja dh menimbun..fuhh...damn tired...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

haloo....dah lame xupdate blog nie...terasa kekok pun ade..hee...first of all aq dah ade lam keadaan org yg bkerja....yeah..mybe thats is my destiny yg allah bg ...n aq redha dgn ketentuan nya..
:face69:eventhough im too young in this job im try to suit myself with that culture... bit by bit aq dah bnyk belajar how to do marketing sales... n so on....bnyk lah....but it is a very hectic work when we faced a customer that is very fussy n juz know to complaint n complaint...WTH!!!!:face11: (dlm hati sgt membara)hoho...depan customer aq hanya mampu senyum doe :face64:customer is always rite tapi kdg2 rase nk sekeh2 je customer...salu gak aq kene maki dgn customer...die ingat aq so challenging,mybe luck aq bukan utk berada di UITM yg aq impikan....kita hanya mampu merancang hanya allah yg menentukan...cehhh..mcm kenal ayat ni.... adapted from NUR KASIH THE rase dri aq sgt kecil bile aq tgok ex classmate aq sume dpt study at Uitm or matrik.congratulation very proud to all of you....really miss all of you damn much...mmg zaman skul zaman yg paling indah...:face37:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

kekenyangan... :p

fuhh...giler kenyang lol.tadi g mkn ikan bkar...da la ramai org al maklum la cuti many crowd there...huhh...before g mkn pix tadi aq sempat gak snap pix ...huhu:51:..fuhh..kenyang sangaaat deh...tadi mom order ikan sweet sour,butter prawn,sotong,n kupang......nasib la order cikit je..air plak watermelon juice....yummyy...enak2...mase mkn sedap la melantak:face28:hah,t tengok la badan pon mule la timbul lemak2 yg dperlukan...wakakakaka:11:tapi mmg sangat pling suke butter prawn lol...sodapp...wink2...then pas da abis mkn ternampak kedai jual shawl:h:ape lagi.. aq pon usha ibu soh bli satu..wuhuuu...:h:then kami pon pulang lol ....agak2 berape la berat badan aq naik pasni???waduhhh... :124:..ok sleepy da ni..:face4:.nitez all....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

mood:happy go most

finally dpt jgk wat hidden chatbox 2...thankz 2 amoy..
:face75:coz aja n bg is so useful 2 it
:face64:...nk blaja lagi sal blog ni..ilmu aq terlalu sedikit for blogger nie..atoiii.. :face56:... i miss him
:67::67::67::67::67:eheheeee...:h::h::h:..wah manyak nye love...kui4...erm..ok la...mcm mlaz nk type lol...daaa :face70:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

miss him...

M.I.S.S you......until now im always think about waht u said 2 me about your dream....OH my ALLAH...takot cgt3...even tadi skype kejap pon aq tengok je muke die n aq pkir ape yg die ckp sal dream die 2.... im sorry if salu je hurting you.... SORRY...  ...

juz want you to know that ... u was the best damn ting that i ever had..... thankz....thankz sbb edit pix owg 2...hikhik...jage diri baik2 yer....

thats all 4 this entry

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

FiNAlly i have my OWN blog...ehee :)

it takes time to make this im new many thing i have to learn my blog x la cntik cm org sorry...hehe..stakat ni jela 4 today...i wanna edit my blog...daaaa